Elim (Andrew Robinson). Former agent of the powerful Cardassian Obsidian Order
intelligence service until he was exiled to space station Terok Nor in 2368.
(“The Wire” [DS9]). Garak was the only Cardassian citizen left on the station
after the Cardassian retreat from the Bajoran system in 2369, at which time the
station became known as Deep Space 9. While in exile, Garak opened a clothing
shop on the station’s Promenade and worked as a tailor. Garak made no references
to his past, calling himself just “plain, simple Garak,” but some people on the
station still regarded him as a spy, including Dr. Julian Bashir, although the
two eventually became friends. (“Past Prologue” [DS9]). Despite his
protestations to Bashir, Garak maintained some contact with Cardassian
intelligence. (“Cardassians” [DS9]). Garak enjoyed raising Edosian orchids as a
hobby. His experience with plants proved to be of value when he served as a
gardener at the Cardassian Embassy on Romulus. Oddly enough, there were an
unusual number of accidental deaths among high-ranking Romulan officials while
Garak served on Romulus. (“Broken Link” [DS9]). While still a member of the
Obsidian Order, Garak had volunteered to have a cranial implant placed into his
skull, to help him resist torture if captured by an enemy. Garak found exiled
life on Terok Nor (later Deep Space 9) to be intolerable, so he activated the
cranial implant and left it on. The implant served as a powerful narcotic on
which Garak became physically dependent until 2370, when the unit malfunctioned,
nearly costing Garak his life. Dr. Bashir was able to remove the device. (“The
Wire” [DS9]). Even in exile, Garak never gave up hope of eventual political
rehabilitation. (“Profit and Loss” [DS9]). Although Tain had been responsible
for Garak’s exile and even tried to have Garak killed, Garak found isolation so
bitter that in 2371 he jumped at the opportunity to serve again with Tain. Garak
participated in Tain’s disastrous joint attack by the Obsidian Order and the
Romulan Tal Shiar against the Founders of the Dominion. Garak was the only
Cardassian survivor of that battle. (“Improbable Cause” [DS9], “The Die is Cast”
[DS9]). Elim Garak distrusted Gul Dukat (“The Wir e” [DS9], “Civil Defense”
[DS9], “Improbable Cause” [DS9], and “The Die is Cast” [DS9]), because Garak had
played a part in the downfall and execution of Dukat’s father. (“Civil Defense”
[DS9]). Garak nevertheless fought alongside with Dukat to defend the Detapa
Council in 2372, when Klingon warriors attempted to abduct the Council. (“The
Way of the Warrior” [DS9]). Even more ironically, Garak found himself attracted
to Dukat’s daughter, Tora Ziyal, when she took up residence on Deep Space 9 in
2372. (“For the Cause” [DS9]). Garak returned briefly to
Cardassia in 2371 to
help rescue Kira Nerys, who had been taken prisoner by the Obsidian Order.
(“Second Skin” [DS9]). As a passenger on the Defiant while the ship was at the
Founders’ homeworld in 2372, Garak attempted to obliterate the planet by
overriding the launch controls for the ship’s quantum torpedoes. Had Garak been
successful, he would have killed all of the Founders. For his actions, Captain
Sisko ordered that Garak be imprisoned for six months in a holding cell.
(“Broken Link” [DS9]). Garak was the son of Obsidian Order chief Enabran Tain.
Ironically, it was Tain who gave the order to have Garak exiled to Terok Nor.
Garak spent much of his life desperately trying to please his father, although
Tain kept his son at arm’s length. It was only in 2373, when Tain was on his
deathbed in a Jem’Hadar prison camp, that he confessed to Garak that he was
proud of his son. (“In Purgatory’s Shadow” [DS9]). Garak’s quarters on DS9 were
Chamber 901, Habitat Level H-3. (“The Wire” [DS9]). Garak was first seen in
“Past Prologue” (DS9). Addendum: Former member of the Cardassian Obsidian Order
intelligence agency. In 2373, Garak was a member of a salvage team assigned to
obtain badly needed engineering components from the abandoned Cardassian station
Empok Nor for use on Deep Space 9. Garak was instrumental in helping the DS9
team avoid a variety of booby traps left behind on the station by the
Cardassians. Unfortunately, one such trap involved a powerful psychotropic drug
that affected Garak by amplifying his normal xenophobic tendencies so strongly
that he killed a Starfleet officer before he could be subdued. (“Empok Nor”
[DS9]). Garak demonstrated his considerable skill in covert operations as well
as his cold-blooded ruthlessness in 2374 when he worked with Benjamin Sisko on
an extralegal operation to draw the Romulans into the war against the Dominion,
an important turning point in the costly war. SEE: Tolar, Grathon; Vreenak. (“In
the Pale Moonlight” [DS9]).Garak’s father was Enabran Tain, former head of the
Obsidian Order. When Garak was a child, his father sometimes locked him in a
closet until the boy had learned his lesson. In later years, Garak wondered if
this had caused his occasional bouts of severe claustrophobia. (“Afterimage”
[DS9]). During the final, desperate days of the Dominion war, Garak returned to
Cardassia Prime and, along with Damar and Kira, played an instrumental role in
helping to rally Cardassian resistance against the Dominion. (“Dogs of War”
[DS9]). After the final battle of the Dominion war was won, Garak remained on
Cardassia to help rebuild his homeworld. (“What You Leave Behind”